Are you looking for spare parts for your hood and need to identify the appliance model? Knowing this information allows you to perform maintenance and repair operations on the hood and order filters, bulbs, or other specific components without the risk of incompatibility.

Checking the manuals delivered to you at the time of installation may not yield these details because they are hidden elsewhere.

So, here's the guide you've been looking for to identify the model, codes, and serial number of your hood.

Let's not waste any more time! Let's find out where you can find this data!

(P.S.: Remember that on FiltroCappa, you can find all the spare parts you need, and if they're not available, we'll get them for you!)

Where can I find the hood model?

Contrary to what many people may think, the hood model is not found in the appliance manual, but right in front of our eyes.

Usually, the model and other relevant information are printed or stuck on an identification label on the surface of the hood.

Follow the steps below to find out where the identification label of the hood is located.

1) Remove the existing grease filters

Remove grease filters

2) Find the position of the label

Find position of label and model of hood

3) To find the MODEL, look for the abbreviations MOD. or MODEL. For the SERIAL NUMBER, look for the abbreviations SER, S/N, SERN.NO. or MATR.

On this label, usually, the following information is provided:

  • Manufacturer's name;
  • Manufacturer's address;
  • CE symbol (mandatory);
  • Serial number/production code;
  • Model;
  • Model code;
  • Electrical specifications;
  • Power;
  • Other information.

It is important to note that this information may vary depending on the manufacturer. For some, the model code might be a mix of letters and numbers that also include the year of production or the production series. In the next paragraph, you will find some examples.

Here are some examples of how to read the label:

Galvamet Hood

Galvamet hood model on label

Faber Hood

Faber hood model on label

Elica Hood

Elica hood model on label

Cappa Electrolux

Electrolux hood model on label

A useful tip

Once you've located the label, take a photo and keep it for future reference. Ensure the photo is clear and legible so that you can easily refer to the data without needing to remove the filters or inspect the hood.

This practice will come in handy later on, especially when wear and tear make the model and serial number details less visible over time.

When the label is not visible or legible?

Finding the model of the hood is not always immediate and straightforward. Sometimes, wear and tear can make it difficult to read the label's information, which may be damaged, worn, or faded over time, or even missing altogether.

In these cases, if you don't have a photo of the hood's label, you can try checking the user manual or purchase documentation, although they may not always contain the serial number and specific data of your appliance.

In such situations, we recommend contacting the store where you purchased it to see if they have the details of your purchase on record. Alternatively, if they no longer have this information available, contact us, and we'll do our best to help you identify the model of your hood.