Have you noticed an illuminated indicator light or a flashing LED on your hood?

Before you get concerned, let me reassure you: this is not to consider a real problem but simply a warning from your appliance.

In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this anomaly and the steps to resolve it in a simple and effective way.

CAUSES of the illuminated light on the hood:

Not everyone knows that kitchen hoods have an internal timer programmed to alert you when it's time to clean the grease filters (and in some cases, even the active charcoal filters). These alerts can manifest as:

  • An illuminated indicator light
  • A flashing LED
  • A message on the display.

Cleaning the filters is important, as they play a fundamental role in capturing fats, odors, and food particles in the air and steam during cooking.

Over time, they accumulate a significant amount of dirt, which can compromise the effectiveness of your hood's suction. The internal timer has been designed to prevent deterioration and inefficiency of performance, and when it expires, it reminds you to perform maintenance and cleaning.

SOLUTION to turn off the hood's indicator light:

Fortunately, resolving the issue of a flashing light on the kitchen hood is a relatively simple operation. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Turn off the hood: Before starting any maintenance, make sure the hood is turned off. This is crucial to ensure safety during cleaning.
  2. Remove the filters: Typically, grease filters are located on the underside of the hood. Consult the manufacturer's manual for specific instructions on removing the filters. Usually, it's as simple as pressing an unlock button or unscrewing them.
  3. Cleaning the filters: Once removed, the filters can be cleaned in various ways. You can wash them in hot water with dish soap, or put them in the dishwasher (alone) to remove accumulated grease and dirt. Make sure to wash them thoroughly and let them dry completely before reinserting them into the hood.
  4. Reset the timer: Once the filters have been cleaned and reinstalled, it's time to reset the timer. This operation varies from model to model, so consult the manufacturer's manual for specific instructions. Typically, you need to hold down a reset button for a certain period until the indicator light turns off or stops flashing.
  5. Turn the hood back on: After completing the above steps, turn the hood back on and check that the illuminated or flashing indicator light has turned off. If everything has been done correctly, the hood should return to normal operation.

When to contact a specialized technician?

If you are unable to resolve this issue on your own or need an external opinion, please contact our customer service.

With years of experience and a deep knowledge of various brands and models of hoods available on the market, we will be personally available to help you restore the efficiency of your cooker hood.

Tiziano Filtro Cappa's technician

In short:

- Why is the kitchen hood light flashing?

In short, the flashing light on the kitchen hood is a reminder to clean the grease filters. Once cleaned, remember to reset the indicator light.

- How to reset and turn off the hood's indicator light?

After cleaning the filters, it is necessary to reset the timer following the manufacturer's manual instructions. Usually, holding down a reset button for a certain period is sufficient